Welcome To St Anthony's Sr. Sec. SchoolWhen Climbing The Career Ladder

St. Anthony's Sr. Sec. School should strive for excellence in studies along with sound formation of character and development of personality through the opportinities the school offers you.

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School Messages

St. Anthony's Sr. Sec. School
Tatarpur (Distt. Hapur)

Principal Message

My Dear Students,
You are privileged to be a member of this big family St. Anthony's Sr. Sec. School, Tatarpur. While yoou shuld fee proud to be a student of this school, you should also contribute your share in making this Alma Mater of yours, achieve mmore and more greatness and success. Your share in designing this institution plays a significant role both in the present and in the future.
You should be proud of this school, its traditions rules and regulations, uniform and the people who work for you and with you. They have the wisdom and the insights to turn your dreams into a reality.

St. Anthony's Sr. Sec. School
Tatarpur (Distt. Hapur)

Director Message

St. Anthony's Sr. Sec. School should strive for excellence in studies along with sound formation of character and development of personality through the opportinities the school offers you. The open book symbolises a continual pursuit of knowledge both academic and spiritual, seeking God's Word to grow in His Knowledge and wisdom.
The Cross symbolises faith and self-sacrifice. Faith in God, in one's self and in others. The Cross indicates that the way of love is a way of self-sacrifice, without sacrifice there can be no genuine love.
The Diya symbolises light, guiding the pupil among life's path to the Truth-God. If we place our hope in Him. He will enlighten our minds, cast away the darkness of fear and shelter us from the power of evil.

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